

Wonderful, although spiked with drastic moments, true story, autobiography of Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Emerging from a Somali born family, living also in Saudi and Kenya, learning about various ways of practicing Islam, growing up among cultures and traditions where Islam is a religion of birth, she makes a life altering decision and decides to stay in Europe.  She becomes an atheist (unfortunately)  and surprisingly politically incorrect in the midst of one of the most liberal European nations, Holland.

It’s a great read.

One thing that I agree with her is her opinion on Mohammed, the founder of Islam.

Obama scares me

After watching Dreams of Obama, I have less doubts that he was, during the last many years, consequently crawling up toward this one goal: becoming the president of the United States. He was determent, his tactics worked, and if not, he would change them, until they worked…

I see more ambition in him than before. I see more determination to achieve his status than to really improve the lives of many. I see more of “claiming the ladder” carrier toward becoming the one on the top, than serving the community of the needy around him.


He is a good politician, he can calculate his moves with a great precisions, and he scares me… We will see what else was he dreaming of for this country…the time of his life time has come…

Read more:

one nation under Obama

Obama – the voice of the Joshua generation


what’s left of the West

McCain-Palin rally in Lee’s Summit, MO

our family at the McCain - Palin rally

Growing up in a Communist country, and being now an American citizen, this is my second time I can vote in the USA. That’s why my whole family went today to a rally in Lee’s Summit, MO to support John McCain and Sarah Palin.

the crowd
the crowd

I grew up in a Communist, Eastern European country, during 70-ties and 80-ties. We longed for freedom of choice, for validation of our individual voices, for freedom of speach. I am an American now. I will be voting for the second time. I am Christian. And I am shocked seeing how Christians in this awesome country, are making choices based on pure convenience and personal interest. I still can’t believe that the followers of Jesus, who should follow ten Commandments, are even considering voting for a person who is so bluntly (although charmingly) pro-abortion. What happened to their conscience?

Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin

That’s why this Election Year in our homeschooling household, I am trying to teach my children (11, 9, 5) that their choice matters and it is precious. It will be noticed by God and by their fellow citizens. It will be engraved in their conscious forever, so they need to be aware of what the candidates are saying, believing in and living for. We talk about what is most important in life, how to prioritize your political choices, and according to what standards they should be aligned.


As we walked just two weeks ago around the Mall in Washington DC, we saw the sign engraved on the Korean War Memorial Wall: Freedom is not free. Somehow that took me back to my childhood, when I remember my grandfather longing for a free country, and dying not seeing it. I remember decade after decade without any prospects for political independence. I remember demonstrations on the streets, people dissapearing suddenly, schools full of propaganda, fear and ridicoulousness. I remember that a life of a person was considered nothing in comparison to the collectiv needs of masses. How could I vote against life of the speechless? That’s why I’d rather see USA as one nation under McCain, then one nation under Obama.

Freedom is not free
Freedom is not free

I want my kids to hear that over and over again, so they will not take their choices lightly, when they grow up and one day will be offered an opportunity to choose the next president of the United States.

kids for McCain
kids for MCCain - Palin

On the technical side: why was the building so small? It could fit hardly 3,000 people and few thousands were still waiting outside.

And for the Hillary’s supporters: there was a Hillary Clinton supporter speaking (sorry, don’t remember the name) who decided to vote for Palin this year. Guess why…

CNN clip from Sarah Palin’s speach.

Read about:

Obama’s unrestricted abortion Freedom of Choice Act

one nation under Obama

Obama – the voice of the Joshua generation

Barack Obama on abortion

Obama – the voice of the Joshua generation

This morning I felt impressed to check the news at CBN. Guess what I found.

Joshua Generation project will be launched by Barack Obama soon. It will target young Evangelicals and Catholics, groups which could potentially move toward his side, despite the dramatic differences on issues like abortion. This article on CBN news estimates that through this campaign he might get even 40% of Evangelicals votes!!!

On June 28th, 2006 Obama delivered speech in Washington D.C, titled “Call to renewal” about his personal journey to God and church, politics and religion and the discussion surrounding his controversial position on sensitive topics. If you are not familiar with it, it’s a must read. This speech was recognized by many as probably the most important speech on religion and politics in 40 years.

On March 7th, 2007 Obama gave a speech, commemorating Selma Voting Rights March. Very inspiring, spiritually connecting to all the Christian values, uplifting and invigorating all of your patriotic left over feelings that you did not even know you had. He used the story of Moses and Joshua as the background for his speech. Few quotes:

If you want to change the world, the change has to happen with you first and that is something that the greatest and most honorable of generations has taught us, but the final thing that I think the Moses generation teaches us is to remind ourselves that we do what we do because God is with us.

I’m here because somebody marched. I’m here because you all sacrificed for me. I stand on the shoulders of giants. I thank the Moses generation; but we’ve got to remember, now, that Joshua still had a job to do. As great as Moses was, despite all that he did, leading a people out of bondage, he didn’t cross over the river to see the Promised Land. God told him your job is done. You’ll see it. You’ll be at the mountain top and you can see what I’ve promised. What I’ve promised to Abraham and Isaac and Jacob. You will see that I’ve fulfilled that promise but you won’t go there.

We’re going to leave it to the Joshua generation to make sure it happens. There are still battles that need to be fought; some rivers that need to be crossed. Like Moses, the task was passed on to those who might not have been as deserving, might not have been as courageous, find themselves in front of the risks that their parents and grandparents and great grandparents had taken. That doesn’t mean that they don’t still have a burden to shoulder, that they don’t have some responsibilities. The previous generation, the Moses generation, pointed the way. They took us 90% of the way there. We still got that 10% in order to cross over to the other side. So the question, I guess, that I have today is what’s called of us in this Joshua generation? What do we do in order to fulfill that legacy; to fulfill the obligations and the debt that we owe to those who allowed us to be here today?

I don’t blame him. What else can you do with that charm, magnetic personality, smooth vocabulary transporting us to the world of our dreams. Is there anyone else who can preach better and awaken America? Is there anyone else who can voice out our desires? Is there anyone?

Personally, I like the guy. I think he is extremely intelligent, has magnificent charisma surrounding his person every time he appears. Media love him, so the crowd, he know how to inspire, unite and fuel people up, even if his direction is not clear enough and lacks concretes.

I believe he is sincere and truly believes in the ideas he proclaims to stand for, if he’ll become the next president. Undoubtedly, he is the best preacher for this season, and his faithful come from all backgrounds, feeling that his cause is bigger than ever and has the chance for real change. He has become the voice of the next generation, promoted by no one else but the people.

He has become an icon for something fresh and new, even if we don’t know exactly how it will shape our future. He has taken USA by storm, and he is intending to convince the last bastion of doubtful, that he can represent them. And most of people intuitively trust him.

I like a lot of his ideas. I would probably vote for him, if not for this one issue:

Supports a Woman’s Right to Choose:

Barack Obama understands that abortion is a divisive issue, and respects those who disagree with him. However, he has been a consistent champion of reproductive choice and will make preserving women’s rights under Roe v. Wade a priority as President. He opposes any constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s decision in that case.

Wake up, people. We need to pray that his heart will change or that someone else will become the Chief.

One nation under Obama explains it all. And below one of Obama’s quotes:

picture from Southern Appeal

Update on Joshua Generation, June 11th from here

The program is the tip of an intensive, months-long outreach effort by the campaign. On Tuesday, in advance of its debut, Obama met privately in Chicago, Illinois, with about 30 evangelical, Protestant and Catholic leaders. They included Bishop T.D. Jakes, the megachurch minister, and Douglas Kmiec, an influential law professor who opposes abortion rights.

Evangelical Manifesto

Even TIME recognizes Evangelicals influence upon every aspect of life in USA. In 2007 Evangelicals constituted about 29 % of population in USA (Catholics 25%, main line Protestants 14%). Called to existence in 1942, National Association of Evangelicals gathered many, and today includes about 60 denominations with 45, 000 churches under it’s wings. They are more heard about and more Media covered than other Christian groups. They are not easily defined and vary from country to country.

Evangelical Manifesto has been released. It’s been worked on for 3 years and it should open up a discussion, reform the image of the Evangelicals in USA, call them to the rededicate their lives to Christ and possibly unite those who identify themselves with this group.

It is trying to redefine the core of evangelicalism, moving it from a politically obsessed right doers toward Christ fascinated, Sermon of the Mount followers, wanting to be

“defined theologically, and not politically, socially, or culturally.”

Recognizing it’s stand with time relevant causes (Wilberforce among others are mentioned) in the past, Manifesto calls Evangelicals for separation from any political views which lead to the peculiar position of being owned by it, and into the

“allegiance higher than party, ideology, economic system, and nationality.”

According to the Manifesto, Evangelicals should oppose theocracy, prefer “religious liberty for people of all faiths”, warning at the same time against European animosity toward any religious influences upon society. It also recognizes the age of Internet, as the globalization creeps upon every human being tempting the hearts with secularism as well as religious extremism.

Article by Os Guiness, regarding the Manifesto.

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