theCall DC

I would drive 19 h again for that!!!

TheCall in Washington DC was an awesome assembly of people who came to pray and fast for our nation, church, government, elections and the future.

It lasted for 12h. It was hot, crowded, dusty and beautiful.

the Call, Washington DC
@ 2:16 pm

Over 60, 000 people came to glorify God at the feet of the Capitol. Although some names of the people, if announced earlier, would draw the crowds, this was, first of all, a prayer meeting. What stunned me the most was a sober and prayerfull atmosphere surrounding all of the participants of this holy assembly. They came to fast, not to enjoy a festival.

theCall, Washington DC
Lou Engle

Behind the stage there was a place where we saw a lot of baby shoes tied with laces and notes asking for forgiveness, notes of hope and love, written mostly by the parents of children whom they have aborted earlier in life, and now they miss them in this life.

americans aborted
3500 Americans are killed daily
oil of joy for the mourning
prayer for Washington DC @ 9:16 pm

Jewish blessing at the end, kids dancing ( look for Sophie, Kevin & Teah)

The Washington Times



In a few minutes we are leaving for theCall. We will drive for about 20 h. Pray.

can a nation be changed in one day?

perfect touch. day 16

invisible wrestling prolongs my destitute

in the land of waiting

wings of oblivious misery

over my crawly prayers

pretend to be crystal independent

give up the ordinary

is your gentle touch enough

to pierce through the elements of my callous imagination

save me from destruction of poetic vanity

wake me up

the law and the prophets. day 14

3 man who fasted 40 days are mentioned in the Bible: Moses, Elijah and Jesus Christ.

Moses, the law giver, was so transformed by God’s presence that his face shone from the glory of God. Elijah, the prophet, the one who heard the voice of God, cured the lepers and raised the dead. Both of them come to converse with Christ, during transfiguration on Mount Tabor, while the surroundings are entangled with the clouds. A momentary foretaste of the future glory.

time stretching. day 12

only 2h in the prayer room today, slipped by very quickly… I guess, in cases when I can’t stay longer, I can start to pray for “time stretching”, why not, isn’t He the miracle maker?

zdobycz duchowa. spiritual gain. day 11

photo by Lateefa

zdobycz duchowa spiritual gain

łatwa do stracenia jest so easy to loose

pamięć o niej jednak the remembrance of it

drąży w zakamarkach hollows out in the nooks

jestestwa of being

nie pozwala chodzić w zastanej rzeczywistości forbidding to walk in a known reality

kto bowiem raz skosztował because who once tasted

nie zadowoli się ochłapem will not be pleased with the scrap

samej pamięci of a mere remembrance

lecz wyrwie serce swoje but will tore his heart out

zostawi wszystko will leave everything

nie będzie już grzebać umarłych will not bury the dead

lecz popędzi but will rush off

do źródła egzystencji to the source of existence

do sedna sprawy zajrzy will look into the heart of the matter

jak do studni like into the well

i ujrzy oblicze Boga samego to catch a glimpse of God’s countenance

w zwierciadle duszy in the mirror of his soul

stęsknionej za Panem longing for the Lord

tylko ten krzyż plącze się między nogami

only this cross entangled around me

co by tu z nim zrobić

what could I do with it