st. teresa of avila


I was looking for a good and realistic movie portraying the life of St. Teresa of Avila and found this one(through the World Cat library thingy), which looked promising because it was made in her homeland and depicted faithfully the times and places of her life. 450 minutes in Spanish with English subtitles.

Teresa is played very realistically, as described by her contemporary, as a woman with a strong personality, who through suffering and love for God, the truth and the church, was prepared for her mission in leading others to the knowledge of God as a Bridegroom and founding communities of people living a simple life, pursuing God’s ways in working and praying.


10 year holiness challenge


During onething08 we were challenged to live the life of holiness. These are the main points to pursue for the next 10 years:

The Sacred Charge: 7 Commitments of a Forerunner

Friends of the Bridegroom preparing the way of Jesus’ Second Coming

As part of the Sacred Charge you commit to:

  • Pray Daily: Spending 2 hours in prayer and Word (Book of Revelation once a week for 3 years)
  • Fast Weekly: Setting your heart to fast 2 days a week as a lifestyle
  • Speak Boldly: Standing as a faithful witness in allegiance to Jesus’ heart for the Church, Israel and the nations
  • Do Justly: Doing works of justice focusing on the fatherless and oppressed
  • Give Extravagantly: Giving to the prayer movement (beyond our tithe)
  • Live Holy: Walking out the Sermon on the Mount and keeping the Purity Covenant
  • Lead Diligently: Leading weekly prayer meetings and Bible studies (focused on training forerunners)


Swięte Wyzwanie: 7 Przyrzeczeń Posłańca

Przyjaciele Oblubieńca przygotowujący drogę na powtórne przyjście Jezusa

Zobowiązujesz się do wymienionych działań:

  • 1. Módl się codziennie: poświęć 2h dziennie na modlitwę i Słowo (Ks. Apokalipsy raz w tyg.)

  • 2. Pość regularnie: 2 dni w tygodniu

  • 3. Mów odważnie: stając jako wierny świadek serca Jezusa wobec Kościoła, Izraela i narodów

  • 4. Okazuj sprawiedliwość: koncentrując się na uciemiężonych i sierotach

  • 5. Dawaj obficie: ofiarność względem ruchu modlitewnego (ponad dziesięcinę)

  • 6. Zyj w świętości:wzorując się na Kazaniu na Górze i utrzymując przymierze czystości

  • 7. Prowadź innych sumiennie: prowadź spotkania modlitewne / grupy biblijne

Advent conspiracy


Greek icon of Second Coming, c.1700

I never understood Christians, who would not want to celebrate Christian holidays. God Himself gave Israel feasts (holidays), Jesus celebrated religious feasts, early Christians did also. I know, the dates might be screwed up, the majority is more concerned with the tradition (can you hear Tevje singing: “Tradition!”) then with the spiritual meaning behind it, people are going nuts over the gifts..but

We need seasons, cycles of life, to remind us, who God is, who are we before and in Him.

Advent was celebrated by the first Christians since the fourth century, when the synod announced that as a preparation for Christmas “from the seventeenth of December to the feast of the Epiphany no one should be permitted to absent himself from church.”

I found Advent Conspiracy site, an international movement restoring the scandal of Christmas by substituting compassion for consumption.

People of USA, celebrate Advent during Advent, and Christmas during Christmas! Don’t put Christmas tree or sing carols before Christmas Eve. Don’t buy more than one gift per person, give the spear money to those who really need them (like to my friends adopting Aiden, a boy with Down syndrome from Ukraine), but most of all give presence. Celebrate St. Nick’s day on Dec 6th (that’s why you are hanging your stockings for anyway…St. Nicholas is the one who is supposed to fill them with some sweets) with your kids, reminding them, who he really was. Have Advent evenings with your family underlining Jesus’ first and second coming as the reason of this time.


Our family celebrating Advent.

longing for His coming (advent & parousia)


waking up, yawning wide and loud…quick cup of cocoa…

frosty mornings freezing the cheeks…fuzzy gloves and scarfs reminding of mom’s long evenings filled with knitting by the yellowish lamp…walking in the stillness of the dawn…almost holy darkness, interrupted only by the few early risers…walking to the church every morning…children carrying lampions…laughter in the distance…snow screeching under my boots, following the path carved in the patches of snow…feel of expectation and anticipation…

entering the church…dancing flames of small candles cutting through the darkness expanded from the humongous doors toward the arches of the marbled sanctuary…the familiar smells of the incense… the sounds of the songs in glorious minor keys, spreading longing, yearning and anticipating…

These are my memories of Advent mornings from my childhood in Poland. We would go to church every morning to the 6am Advent Mass, called Roraty (“rorate coeli” means “heaven, drop dew” in Latin). It was a time of preparation for our hearts, a time for making a way for the Lord to come through the door of our souls, time of silence, fasting and repentance. During this time we would not sing songs with Hallelujahs, but rather songs that were crying for the Saviour to come back to the earth.

Advent (about 4 weeks before Christmas) was to remind us about the first and the second coming – Parousia – of Jesus to our planet.

[ad-venio: to come to ]

During this time the faithful are admonished to prapare themselves worthily to celebrate the anniversary of the Lord’s coming into the world as the incarnate God of love, thus to make their souls fitting abodes for the Redeemer coming in holy Communion and through grace, and thereby to make themselves ready for his final coming as judge, at death and at the end of the world
[Catholic Encyclopedia]

theCall DC

I would drive 19 h again for that!!!

TheCall in Washington DC was an awesome assembly of people who came to pray and fast for our nation, church, government, elections and the future.

It lasted for 12h. It was hot, crowded, dusty and beautiful.

the Call, Washington DC
@ 2:16 pm

Over 60, 000 people came to glorify God at the feet of the Capitol. Although some names of the people, if announced earlier, would draw the crowds, this was, first of all, a prayer meeting. What stunned me the most was a sober and prayerfull atmosphere surrounding all of the participants of this holy assembly. They came to fast, not to enjoy a festival.

theCall, Washington DC
Lou Engle

Behind the stage there was a place where we saw a lot of baby shoes tied with laces and notes asking for forgiveness, notes of hope and love, written mostly by the parents of children whom they have aborted earlier in life, and now they miss them in this life.

americans aborted
3500 Americans are killed daily
oil of joy for the mourning
prayer for Washington DC @ 9:16 pm

Jewish blessing at the end, kids dancing ( look for Sophie, Kevin & Teah)

The Washington Times